Asiatic wild dogs
Asiatic wild dogs

asiatic wild dogs

If you’ve never heard of the dhole, stay tuned for a look at what makes it so special. And we should pay particular attention to those animals that are featured on the endangered species list, dhole dogs included.

asiatic wild dogs

Those changes to the captive cetacean industry were much needed!īut the ideal situation would be that we, as humans, collectively value all of the world’s animals equally. This observation is not meant to take anything away from the importance of movies like Blackfish and The Cove, and the ever-growing movement to rescue and protect the killer whale and dolphins. Animals like the dhole, which don’t wow us with their size or touch our hearts with their cuteness, rarely receive the same amount of attention as, say, the orca. This is one of the many difficult challenges of funding wildlife conservation programs. This Asiatic wild dog is extremely endangered, with the IUCN estimating a declining population of less than 2,500 dholes are left in the world. Rarely do our minds wonder to an endangered dog. But that’s what the Dhole is– a member of the canine family found in Central, South, and Southeast Asia. People love the more charismatic side of the endangered species group, such as penguins and pandas, which pull at our heartstrings. Of course, many of us may also picture cute animals. We think of massive herbivores such as elephants and rhinos, or marine mammals such as whales and whale sharks. Folks envision lions and tigers and bears(oh my!). When people think of endangered animals, it’s usually the charismatic megafauna that first comes to mind.

Asiatic wild dogs