Make sure you stay logged into your web host / WHM sometimes you’ll get logged out and the upgrade will stop working. If you need to upgrade your WHM just know that it might go really slow, taking up to an hour or longer in some cases. Let’s Encrypt integration may not work as well with older versions of WHM’s AutoSSL, though I’m uncertain.
I upgraded to the latest version with my install as I read numerous reports of problems with previous WHM versions. For AutoSSL to work you must be using cPanel/WHM v58.0.17 or higher. Upgrade to the latest version WHM, or at least to a version with support for AutoSSL. In WHM create an account for your new website or a website you’re going to migrate over.ģ. If you’re on a shared server or someone else runs your hosting, you will most likely not have WHM access and therefore cannot setup AutoSSL.Ģ. You’ll also need to make sure you have WHM access. Sounds fairly basic, but it is important to ensure your server has cPanel installed. Steps to Install Let’s Encrypt for cPanel AutoSSLġ. While the feature has been available for over 2 years, when I was implementing it I found a lack of thorough documentation and decided to create a guide for anyone else struggling through the install that was having similar troubles. The Let’s Encrypt support began getting implemented in v58.0.17 which was released on August 8th, 2016 and officially announced on August 10th, 2016. AutoSSL was introduced in version 58 of cPanel with the initial version of AutoSSL rolling out in v57.9999.95 on June 14th 2016. In this guide I’m going to detail the process and steps you need to take to install the Let’s Encrypt AutoSSL module for cPanel and to use it to automatically apply SSL certificates for any domain hosted on your server.